Services & Programs

We partner with companies in developing Employee Assistance Programs (EAP) that aim to enhance the psychological well-being of their employees as well as increase their productivity.  The EAP incorporates prevention programs (e.g., counseling or psychotherapy, seminars on well-being, work-life balance, family-related topics, and others) to address personal and interpersonal challenges, as well as intervention programs (e.g., small group sessions, psychological first-aid during disasters) to deal with crises or existing work difficulties.  We also offer personality assessments to help identify the personality profile of your team, which will enable companies find solutions as to how employees can work together more harmoniously.

Please click on the links below for more details on our corporate offerings.

When conflict is present, relationships can be difficult to navigate.  Couples who experience pain, infidelity, life changes, but still feel that they want to make things work can be seen for couples therapy.  They can be heterosexual or same sex couples.  Family therapy can be conducted to family members who are ready to participate in improving their relationships.

What is play therapy and why does my child need it? 

Play therapy is a form of psychotherapy for children and adolescents conducted by trained psychologists/therapists.  While adults talk during therapy, play is children’s language.  It is different from simply “playing” since therapists utilize different theory-based approaches to conduct the therapy.  Your child can communicate and eventually “play out” his/her difficulties and overwhelming experiences or feelings through play in the safe and affirming environment established in the playroom.  Play therapy can be done individually or in a group.

How long should my child be in therapy? 

With your child’s developmental level and reasons for referral in mind, you and the psychologist identify specific goals your child needs to achieve while in therapy.  The child’s own pace to progress towards these goals will determine how long he/she will be in therapy.  Regular (usually weekly) individual and group play therapy sessions are offered.

How will play therapy benefit my child? 

Among others, your child will have the opportunity to:

  • Experience acceptance;
  • Learn appropriate ways of relating and behaving;
  • Express intense emotions and find relief from troubling feelings; and
  • Feel affirmed and confident.

Likewise, your child will also learn to:

  • Build self-esteem;
  • Cope with fears and anxieties;
  • Gain a sense of control over his/her world;
  • Identify and manage emotions appropriately; and
  • Socialize and interact with peers in appropriate ways.

What is my role as a parent or guardian? 

As a parent or guardian, you play a very important role in your child’s progress in and outside of therapy.  Your cooperation in bringing your child to weekly sessions is most valuable.  With the support and collaboration of the school and other professionals working with your child, you can be guided to ensure your child copes well with the difficulties he/she is facing.  In addition, parenting conferences are conducted to address your concerns, chart progress, and give tips on parenting.

A Psychological Evaluation aims to gather information about a person’s intellectual functioning, knowledge, skills, present emotional states, and personality through a set of standardized intelligence and personality tests.  Interviews and observations are also used to complete the assessment procedure.  These tests may be helpful in identifying an individual’s learning difficulties, cognitive deficits, daily living skills, mood and behavior problems, among others.  Evaluation results are useful in both determining present needs and charting a client’s progress.

Clients are usually referred for a psychological evaluation due to:

  • Learning problems or difficulties
  • Behavioral concerns
  • School profiling
  • Career matching/assessment
  • Personality assessment
  • Emotional distress
  • Depression, anxiety, and other similar mental health concerns

Counseling or psychotherapy aims to help children, adolescents, and adults address and work through various mental health issues or concerns that may be causing them distress or dysfunction in their daily lives.  These may include various life crises, difficulties, and transitions.  We employ a combination of theoretical frameworks (cognitive, behavioral, client-centered, humanistic psychological theories) and strategies (such as play therapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy, yoga therapy, among others) to achieve therapeutic goals.  Psychotherapy can be conducted either individually or in a group, depending on the client’s personal needs.

Please click on the links below for more details on our psychotherapy offerings.

We have conducted commissioned research on habits, lifestyle, choices, health, and life transitions, using both qualitative and quantitative methods.  Learn more about your clients’ insights, needs, and gaps in your product or program through our special projects.  For inquiries, please send us an email at

As an accredited Continuing Education Provider by the Psychological Association of the Philippines, we have been invited to schools and companies to give talks on parenting, discipline, helping yayas handle children, classroom management, work-life balance, life transitions, adolescent sexuality, and the like.

Our programs can be helpful to the following:

  • Graduate Students
  • Psychologists
  • Teachers, Counselors, and other School Officials
  • Families with Special Needs Children
  • Parents in need of support
  • Yayas and child care workers
  • Adolescents

Please click on the links below for more details on our workshop offerings: